Wednesday 18 December 2019

The Final Judgement

<Translated into English>
For over a hundred years humanity has been dreaming of contacting an ‘intelligent’ species outside their own measly little planet. One look at their media and ‘cinema’ shows just how dissonant their view of reality really is. Of those films that deal with ‘alien invasions’ they are always war-like or feature conquests or persecution and even dissection in some cases! Why would any one visit such a backward planet?
The irony is that the hostility they display is not just limited to the infantile fantasies they create; for such a young species they are truly schizophrenic and one could almost say suicidal… which brings us to the current situation: the human race: should it be allowed to spread its disease to other worlds; should it be confined to its own planet or should we simply treat it as a failed experiment and sterilise the Earth and start again? The evidence is very simple and my case hinges on two angles: the desecration of the planet and the subjugation of the human race… by the human race. I’ll look at each one in turn.
The planet Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old (give or take a few million) and humans have inhabited it for only 200,000 of those and in the course of that heartbeat they have drastically changed the face of the planet; granted for the first 198,000 of those very little had changed. Man lived in harmony with the planet; sought to understand the mysteries of the worlds around it but did nothing to drastically alter the landscape or damage her in any way. With the advent of a reductionist way of thinking man started to place itself on a higher plane of existence than the rest of the species that lived around it. One could say that, as it was still in its infancy it was still growing, allowing its ego free reign; exploring through its senses. But nothing has changed in the following years, if anything it’s gotten worse –rather than maturing and losing its sense of self-importance it has become even more egotistical!
With the advent of technology it has developed so many ways to rape and defile the planet; scourging the seas and polluting the air; literally defecating where it eats, never thinking about any of the consequences of its actions. It mines the land, scraping out the mineral deposits for no other reason than to pollute the land and make a desperate gamble for immortality. Are these the actions of a rational, mature, intelligent species? If this were the behaviour of an individual it would surely be considered suicidal!
But let us turn our view one hundred and eighty degrees then; let us look at the subjugation of the human race by the human race! Here we look at a schizophrenic entity with delusions of grandeur. Caught between the blind alley of what it calls ‘science’ and the sheer lunacy of it’s religious credo the human race has no real way of extricating itself. The religions are all juvenile attempts at controlling the mass population and the worrying thing is just how willing people are to be led. For such a ‘scientifically advanced’ species, they seem to enjoy being told stories no better than fairy tales and then go to war against those that hold differing views (equally as pathetic and fantastical).
Place a handful of humans in a room for more than twenty four hours and you will see violence erupt between them. Even though they are all alike it is amazing at just how many differences they see in themselves. From these ‘differences’ stems the other, and anything that is ‘other’ is feared and then hated. Human history is rife with this, but we must also factor this into the equation –one can only recognise that which rests in oneself. How can you hate something in someone else if it does not first reside within yourself? Therefore all of the hates and fears are down to mankind’s deep loathing of itself.
There is, of course, another factor that needs to be taken into account as a motivating force behind religion and that is power and ‘wealth’. There are certain humans that seek to rise above the norm and establish themselves as something superior –they do this by subjugating others; amassing great wealth at the cost of other’s who are their equals. These are the people behind the wars, behind the religions and though they might hide behind other excuses there is but one reasoning: fear. Fear of their own ineptitude; fear of their own mortality; of their own inequality and from that, again, breeds hatred. These are the ones that wield power like an unruly child in a temper tantrum –destroying the earth around them so they don’t have to look at the pain and fear that festers within.
There are those that follow neither creed; that live in accordance with the natural laws and should the decision be reached their souls will be taken in the balance and they will not suffer.
We have given the human race over two thousand years to improve itself; more than enough chances to reset it’s global karma, but it has snubbed these continuously.
From what we can tell there are three future outcomes for humanity – it will either pollute the planet and destroy it from within; destroy it from without through increasing conflicts and literally go nuclear or it will spread like a pestilence and infect the rest of its immediate galaxy when it finally works out the key to interstellar travel.
None of these are acceptable and each of these are equally as probable. There is but one solution therefore to this question but only you can make the judgement.

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